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2015 President’s Holiday Wish

Happy Holidays!

The Holiday Season is quickly approaching and I would like to take the time to wish you all the very best wishes for this wonderful time of year. This  is the time when I believe we all should be reflective of what blessings have been given to us.  Take the time to enjoy the simplest of pleasures, whether it be a walk on the beach, or  a visit with some friends. Enjoy your children and their enthusiasm for the season. Enjoy your parents for the wonderful life lessons they have passed on. Make a family recipe that brings back  familiar traditions and memories. Try to imagine the season without commercialism, and most of all, take the time to spend with your loved ones. This is the time to focus on what really matters, friends, family, and of course the wonderful holiday season.

Michelle Rahe
OCEA 2015 President

Thank You!

OCEA Board of Directors extends a BIG Thank You to all our 2014 Silver Sponsors.  You make us look good!   We could not do it without you!

Members, please take a moment to check out our 2014 Silver Sponsors on our website and let our 2014 Silver Sponsors know how much we appreciate them.

Membership Invitation

Dear Escrow Professional,

To our OCEA family of members, Thank you for your continued membership! OCEA is still the largest Regional of CEA but we have some major competition from EASGV.  To remain #1, we need your help, and, as you no doubt know, BIG changes are coming to our industry in 2015.

Most notably:  CFBP is about to make our lives very interesting, replacing the HUD-1 with its new Closing Disclosure.

And then there’s the newly drafted CAR contract, just to name two.

How can you afford NOT to be on the leading edge of new information as it comes down?  Right?!

Being a member of your local escrow association (which includes state and national membership) gives you:

  • Discounts on dinner prices for local educational dinner meetings and seminars
  • Discounts for the annual educational conference
  • Newsletters packed with informative articles
  • Inclusion in meeting notices and educational tidbits, delivered directly to you

Get your information first hand – it’s much better for your complete understanding of the issues that continually affect our dynamic industry than the “gossip” trickle down method. Right?

PLUS: your membership dollars help keep our industry free of duties that “someone” is “always” trying to push off on us – we NEED YOU and your escrow friends as members to keep our advocacy in Sacramento and Washington D.C. STRONG.   (Do you remember, or did you know that at one time, “they” were trying to make it escrow’s job to keep track of every payment made to every third party service provider and issue them 1099s??  IMAGINE!  Keeping track and sending a 1099 to every termite company, etc., etc.???

As membership in professional organizations goes, OCEA is just not that pricey.  When you consider that nothing is more costly than ignorance… you owe it to yourself become a member. The smarter we make ourselves, the better we’re all able to serve our clients – the Realtors AND the public – as we carry out our fiduciary responsibilities.

So!  Have you already joined? Or if not, don’t you want to now?

Here’s an application, for you and/or a friend!

Please pass this invitation and application along to those escrow professionals you know and love.


PD Corner

Make a New Year’s Resolution to obtain your Professional Designation and you can take the test right here in The OC!

The next Professional Designation Workshop is in March 2015. View the workshop flyer online.

Mark your Calendars and Join us in 2015

View our 2015 Calendar of Events online now.

Orange County Recorder 2015 Holidays

Holiday Observance Schedule 2015

Legal Holidays - Department closed on the following:

New Year's Day - Thursday, January 1, 2015
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday - Monday, January 19, 2015
Lincoln's Birthday - Thursday, February 12, 2015
Presidents' Day - Monday, February 16, 2015

Memorial Day - Monday, May 25, 2015
Independence Day - Saturday, July 4, 2015
Labor Day - Monday, September 7, 2015
Columbus Day - Monday, October 12, 2015
Veterans Day - Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 26, 2015
and Friday, November 27, 2015
Christmas Day - Friday, December 25, 2015